Kisan Goshti cum Method demonstration of Paddy Transplanter was conducted in collaboration with J-Farm Services (Tafe Group) at Model Village Kidangipar Tal and Dist: Gondia on 09/08/2023 during Farmers Scientist Forum meeting.
The programme was innagurated by Mr. Munesh Rahangdale Speaker Panchayat Samati, Gondia in presence of Dr. Syed Shakir Ali Senior Scientist and Head KVK, Gondia, Mr. Sanjay Ahirwar Maharashtra Head J-Farm Services, Mr. Rakesh Sachan Dealer Kaira , Balaghat, MP, Mr. Kamlesh Patle, Technician Kaira, Balaghat, Mrs Vidayakala Patle Member Panchayat Samati, Gondia, Mr.Prakash Patle Member, Panchayat Samati, Gondia, M. Ashok Uikey, Mr. Tembhare Deputy Sarpanch, Kidangipar, Mrs. Kalpana Sarnagath, Member Gram Panchayat Kindagipar, Mrs. Samartha Maskara, Member, Miss L. M. Rinayat Agril. Assistant Kidangipar, Mrs. Monika Choudhary from MAVIM, Gondia, Mr. Vishal Ubarhande SMS(Agril. Engg), Mr. Rajebhau Chavan SMS(Ento), Mr. Manoj Bhomte SMS(Agro), KVK, Gondia and Ananta Titirmare Field Officer J-Farms Services.
Introductory remarks were given by Mr. Manoj Bhomte SMS(Agro), KVK, Gondia, in addition to this he gave complete information about soil testing, varieties of paddy, its cultivation practices.
Mr. Mr. Rajebhau Chavan SMS(Ento) gave information about Pest and Diseases of Paddy and its management by using IPM components such as use of Tricocards, Tricoderma etc.
Mr. Vishal Ubarhande SMS(Agril. Engg) highlighted about use of Farm Mechanization in Paddy, he explained about the use of Paddy Transplanter in Paddy and how it can reduce the cost of cultivation and increase the crop yield.
Mr. Sanjay Ahirwar Maharashtra Head J-Farm Services explain about the collaboration of Tafe with KVK, Gondia and suggested the farmers to take the help as per their needs identified during PRA so that more programmes can be organized in collaboration.
Mr. Rakesh Sachan Dealer Kaira and, Mr. Kamlesh Patle, Technician Kaira, Balaghat briefed about the technical specifications of Paddy Transplanter.
Mr. Mahendra Thakur Chairman Farmers Scientist Forum of KVK, Gondia explained about the forum, its activities conducted and suggested the farmers to take the advantage of Paddy Transplanter demonstration in future for reducing cost of cultivation and time saving.
Dr. Syed Shakir Ali Senior Scientist and Head KVK, Gondia explained about the model villages and working of different Line departments in village Kidangipar in collaboration with KVK, Gondia for the benefit of Farming Community. He told the farmers as per your needs, we have arranged this Method demonstration of Paddy Transplanter, at the time of labour shortage farmers can reduce the cost of cultivation by adopting this technology and time requirement for transplanting is also very less. The farmers have to prepare paddy nursery in which they can save more than 50% seeds and at the time of transplanting by using this Transplanter the spacing can be maintain properly.
Mr. Munesh Rahangdale Speaker Panchayat Samati, Gondia appreciated the work of KVK, Gondia and suggested the farmers to take the advantage of KVK, Gondia in collaboration with other departments for making the village Kidangipar as Model Village. He also shown the Method Demonstration through Video Call to other Panchayat Samati Officials and members.
After this Method Demonstration of Paddy Transplanter was undertaken in the field of Mr. Patle farmer, Kidangipar and Mr. Dongarwar Progressive farmer from Morgaon Arjuni using this transplanter gave demonstration. All queries raised by farmers were solved by all the officials and scientists during question and answer session.
Anchoring was done by Mr. Manoj Bhomte and vote of thanks was done by Mr. Rajebhau Chavan. In all more than 100+ farmers, farm women, company officials, public representative and officials have attended the event and made it a great success.
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