Collaborated and Participated in “District Level Krishi Ranbhaji and Millets Mahotsav 2023-24” in association with The State Agricultural Department and ATMA, Gondia at Administrative Building Gondia on 11/08/2023. Hon. Shri.Vinodji Agrawal MLA Gondia and Hon. Rahangdale Chairman Zilla Parishad Gondia was the chief guest of the program. While Mr. Anil Patil CEO Zilla Parishad Gondia, Mr Hindurao Chavan DSAO Gondia, Mr Ajit Adsule PD, ATMA, Gondia, Dr Syed Shakir Ali Senior Scientist and Head KVK, Gondia, Mr Sanjay Sangekar District Coordination Officer MAVIM, Gondia, Mr. D. L Tumdam, Deputy Director and SDAO Gondia, Mr Pawar TAO, Gondia, Mr.Rajebhau Chavan SMS (Ento) and Mr Vishal Ubarhande SMS (Agril Engg) KVK Gondia were present.