Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gondia under Dr.PDKV, Akola celebrated “World Bee Day” on 20.05.2022 with a theme “Importance on Honey Bee in Agriculture”. Farmers were oriented on the importance of bee management, diversification in beekeeping, health benefits of honey, role of bees in crop pollination and their management and value-added beehive products along with interaction sessions.
During welcome address Dr. Syed Shakir Ali, PC, KVK Gondia welcomed all the guests and gave brief information about the programme. He has shared his experience on various initiatives taken pertaining to Bee keeping and utilization of Honeybee as pollinators in different crops and also spoke about the concern, we need to have in order to protect the bees by going to organic cultivation. He addressed about the endangerment of the bee species due to change in the more agriculture and increased use of agri. chemicals and at the same time he spoke about saving the bees which is the need of hour.
Mr. R D Chavan SMS (Ento) has given information on Honey bee species, life history, beekeeping appliances & Bee Pasturage, Pollination and Bee Products. He emphasized in implementing some project in collaborative mode in honey bee based income generation activities. He spoke about the initiatives in the field of apiculture in form of skill training and awareness programme and development of value added products etc.
Mr. V.P Ubarhande SMS (Agril. Engg) gave information about use of Honey Bees in Agriculture and explained the farmers about farm Mechanization.
After the presentation there was interaction and experience sharing of progressive farmers who are ready to involve in beekeeping as an income generating enterprise. The Views and Experiences in the field of beekeeping was done during the interaction session by all scientists. In addition to this Pheromone traps were distributed to the farmers for managing pest.
A total of 45 interested farmers, rural youth, students and KVK Scientists took part in the event and made it successful.