A Training cum Workshop was organized on 17 October 2022 under Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) project specially for SC farmers which is given by Indian Institute for Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad to KVK, Gondia on Crop Diversification. During this program Safflower seeds of variety AKH -207 were distributed to 50 number of farmers on 50 acres under Frontline Demonstrations on Oilseeds, Likewise CFLD’s on 75acres were given to 75 number of farmers from Kati- Birsola Cluster of Gondia Tahsil.
For this program Mr. Avinash Lad, DDM, NABARD, Shri. Sanjay Sangekar, District Manager, MAVIM and Shri. Vijayji Bahekar, a social activist was invited as the Chief guest.
Dr. Shakir Ali Syed, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK, Gondia gave information about IIOR project and suggested the farmers to go for Safflower as major Oilseeds crop after Paddy during Rabi season, and accept challenge to shift to crop diversification. He again informed that
for completing the value chain of Safflower, an Oil extraction unit will be installed at KVK Gondia for providing training to the farmers on Oilseeds processing.
Mr. Avinash Lad informed about various schemes for farmers under NABARD.
Mr Sanjay Sangekar briefed about various activities of MAVIM and informed the farmers about Oil mill project for Tirora Tahsil and suggested the farmers to go for Oilseeds during Rabi.
Mr. Vijay Bahekar requested the farmers to go for Crop Diversification and suggested the farmers to take advantage of the schemes of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and NABARD to raise their economic status.
During technical session Mr. Manoj Bhomte SMS ( Agro), Mr. Vishal Ubarhande SMS ( Agril. Engg), Mr Rajebhau Chavan SMS (Ento) gave detailed guidance from Land preparation, sowing to harvesting of Safflower crop. Mr. Vishal Ubarhande gave information about Oil mill and Dal mill and said that both the units are starting soon at Krishi Vigyan Kendra.
Anchoring and Vote of thanks was done by Dr. Vijayakumar Kore, SMS (Hort). In all 80 farmer, farm women, officers and FPC members attended the said program.