Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gondia Dr. PDKV, Akola organized 17th Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting under the Chairmanship of Honorable Dr. Sharad Gadakh sir, Vice Chancellor, Dr.PDKV, Akola, & in Presence of Dr.Dhanraj Undirwade sir, Director, Extension Education, Dr. PDKV, Akola, Mr. Hindurao Chavan DSAO, Gondia, Mr Kumbhare PD, ATMA representative, Dr. Kantilal Patle District AHO, Gondia, Mr Naresh Rahangdale District Coordinator UMED, Ms S. K. Salame Asst Commissioner Fisheries, Mr Mahendra Thakur Chairman FarmersScientist Forum, Mr Pawan Meshram, Technical Officer, Mr PravinkumarChaudharyVice Chairman FSF, Mr Vijay Bahekar Secretary SGGVSS, Gondia, Mr Ashok Uikey Progressive Farmer Model village, Reporter, Progressive Farmer, FPO members,
Dr Syed Shakir Ali, Senior Scientist & Head KVK, Gondia, all SMS, PAs of KVK, Gondia and representatives from various line departments on dated 06.02.2024 at KVK, Hiwara, Gondia During this meeting Senior Scientist and Head, all SMS and PAs have presented Annual Action Plan 2024 and Annual Progress Report 2023. Before the meeting Hon VC and all members visited demo unit of KVK. All members have provided feedback and suggestions that can be implemented in current year.